Work experience 19 years in the corporate sector....

Work experience: Worked as Manager (Personnel) for 19 years in the corpoorate Sector handled all kind of
Personnel, Legal, industrial Relation, Trade Union, PF & Gr., Wages & Salary administration.

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Criminal law

Criminal law is the body of law that relates to crime. It regulates social conduct and proscribes threatening...

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labour law

Labour law mediates the relationship between workers (employees), employers, trade unions and the government...

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civil law

Civil law is the group of legal ideas and systems ultimately derived from the Code of Justinian...

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Customized Solutions, Accountability, Reliability,trustworthiness and Excellent Client Service (CARTE) are the five pillars of strength for LLB Dr. Arun Kumar Jha

Based on heart of the steel city with satellite office in dist. Civil strive to be integral part of community & provide legal solution to the diverse communities, caste ,creed,race& religion.our clients include indivisual organization,buisness & corporate houses